event, exhibition

Alessandra Eramo

Apr 2014  

Alessandra Eramo
“ROARS_BANGS_BOOMS” Variation for Voice, Gesture and Drawings

Opening and Live-Performance Saturday, 3 May 2014, 19:30
Exhibition: 4 – 11 May 2014
Gallery hours: by appointment (write to eb@errantbodies.org)

Errant Bodies
Kollwitzstrasse 97
10435 Berlin

“The variety of noises is infinite. If today, when we have perhaps a thousand different machines, we can distinguish a thousand different noises – tomorrow, as new machines multiply, we will be able to distinguish ten, twenty, or thirty thousand different noises, not merely in a simply imitative way, but to combine them according to our imagination.”
from “The Art of Noises” Luigi Russolo, 1913

101 years later, Italian/German sound artist and vocalist Alessandra Eramo interprets the Futurist Music Manifesto “The Art of Noises” of Luigi Russolo, using the human voice. Starting in 2013, the performance is based on Russolo’s statement that the sonic palette of noises, generated by machines and the urban soundscape requires a new approach to musical instrumentation and composition. Therefore noise not only becomes a Leitmotiv in music but it also turns into musical material itself. The list of words that recall different sounds – such as thunder, whistles, roars, booms, grumbles, snorts – is part of the Futurist manifesto. These “onomatopoeic” words are the origin of the performance project “ROARS_BANGS_BOOMS” for which Alessandra Eramo wrote 7 variations for voice.

At Errant Bodies she will present the Variation #4: She exhibits her large-format drawings as graphic transcriptions of the onomatopoeic words that in a performance she will interpret with her body and voice.

Project’s website: http://ezramo.com/works/musicafuturista/picture.html

Alessandra Eramo is a musician and artist working with extended vocal techniques, field recording, noise, sound and visual poetry. In the past ten years she presented her live-performances, compositions, videos and installations at numerous exhibitions, festivals and events in Europe, USA and Canada including: Galerie Haus am Lützowplatz Berlin, Padiglione Italia nel Mondo – 54th Venice Biennale, Liverpool Biennial 2012, Harvestworks New York, Lyd & Litteratur Festival Aarhus 2012, Sonic Circuits Festival 2011 Washington DC. Collaborations with performers, poets, improvisors and composers include: Gino Robair, Ingrid Schmoliner, Tomomi Adachi, Marta Zapparoli, Seiji Morimoto, Steven J. Fowler, Doug Van Nort. She was trained in classical singing, piano, music theory since an early age. She’s graduated with honors in visual art, experimental music and performance art in Milan, Stuttgart and Venice. In 2010 she co-founded “Corvo Records. Vinyl and Sound Art Production”. She lives in Berlin.
