
Acousmatic Lecture – Federico Geller

Jul 2014  

Federico Geller
The Living Matter of History

the first Acousmatic Lecture

Thursday, July 10th from 10 – 11pm

Errant Bodies
Kollwitzstrasse 97
10435 Berlin

We are the living matter of history, traveling trough different scales of reality. Our materiality, our own bodies, far away from the dominant cybernetic representations of macromolecular machines, from the genetic programming of psychological and social levels, are open to new possibilities, with multiple spaces for chaos and the creation of order. We will take a look at the role of chance in our ontogeny, which makes that for the same initial situation more than one phenotipic output is possible: that is developmental noise, a dimension of phenomena that helps us to understand that the differences between organisms can not only be explained only in terms of genetic and environmental variations. Being conscious of the multiple interactions between macro and micro levels, our subjectivities may change and help us to think, move, and experience our bodies differently, to create a more hopeful relationship with nature.

Federico Geller studied and taught Biologic Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires. He is a member of “Abriendo Caminos/La comunitaria TV”, a collective which endeavours to create communication tools (video, interventions, graphic material) for grass-roots political work and cojuncture situations. He also works in “Jeta Ka’i”, a team that aims to popularise biological knowledge and to discuss its technological applications and social consequences. Some of his designs and drawings have been shown in ExArgentina/La Normalidad (Berlin-Köln, Buenos Aires 2003-2006), The Future of Reciprocal Readymade (New York 2005), Kollektive Kreativität (Kassel 2005), Pay Attention to Ham (Köln 2008), Que Viva la Diversidad (Santa Fe, 2010),Truth Is Concrete/Steirischer Herbst (Graz 2012). Geller lives in Buenos Aires and Berlin.

The Acousmatic Lectures are a series of discursive auditory experiences based on the Pythagorean acousmatic model, a mode of presentation in which the orator is hidden from the public. Acousmatic presentation encourages both orator and listeners to focus exclusively on the spoken word, its temperament, tone, and stimulus, without the visual aid of supplementary images or the body language of the speaker. For this series of lectures, all visual clues provided by the speaker’s facial and bodily expressions, which are capable of influencing the reception of the information presented, are to remain hidden. Nonetheless, the physical presence of the speaker will still be made evident through the speaker’s voice, all acoustical aspects, and their dissemination into the space surrounding him/her. In so doing, the dialectical confrontation between abstract and sensorial information is underscored. Acousmatic Lectures, currently in development, is a program that invites professionals working within an artistic discipline or method to give an acousmatic account of their central topic of research.

Concept and organisation by Mario Asef for Errant Bodies Group, Berlin.