exhibition, series

Stadt als Klangtext – Urban Sound Projects

Oct 2014  

Stadt als Klangtext – Urban Sound Projects
Exhibition series: #3 of 5

Åsa Stjerna, “Currents”
Hanna Hartman, “Early Warning”

Exhibition: October 9th – 12th, 16:00 – 20:00h
Talk / Discussion: Thursday, October 9th, 19:00h
with Fabian Czolbe and the artists

Errant Bodies
Kollwitzstrasse 97
10435 Berlin

The exhibition and discussion series Stadt als Klangtext introduces ten artistic positions by sound artists working with urban space. The series aims to consider how auditory experience and sonic work may operate to create a sense of civic engagement, spaces of mutuality, and forms of interruption onto the urban scene. Each exhibition consists of two artists presenting one work, and integrates a discussion evening led by an invited academic and open to the public.

Åsa Stjerna, “Currents“ /
Documentation of a site-specific sound installation and sonification presented in the spacious glass foyer at the new opera building in Oslo 2011. The sound work was based on measurement data from a scientific research project in which the North-Atlantic Current in the North Sea was measured to gain knowledge on the effects of global warming. During the period of the exhibition, these measurement data were transferred in real-time and distributed over 18 loudspeakers in the glass foyer, transformed into an artistic-sonic experience in public space.

Hanna Hartman, “Early Warning” /
a sound installation