Record-Release / Performance / Talk:
IAN HATCHER – “Drone Pilot”
Cosmosmose Edition
Kollwitzstr. 97, 10435 Berlin – doors: 7 pm, performance 7.30 pm, no entry
later: talks with Ian Hatcher, Marc Matter, Antje Vowinckel, Swantje Lichtenstein
A presentation of the first release in the new established ‘Sound Writings’ series: Drone Pilot by Brooklyn-based writer, sound artist, and programmer Ian Hatcher (*1983). His work explores cognition in the context of digital systems. While studying Digital Language Arts at Brown University, he came up with his own propositions in this field: the way he trained his own voice, prosody and word-flow to mimick the qualities and even glitches of speech-synthesis is extremely suitable for a realization in sound; he states:
“Drone Pilot is a work of voice/sound poetry about a person who becomes part of a huge impersonal war machine, connected to a network of power and violence, which ultimately erases the person’s individuality. My work is focused on the entanglement of humans and machines. I’m interested in how a mind can be imprinted with digital logic, and how digital and human memory can extend each other. I perform my work with just my voice, without electronics, but electronics are always present, in the aesthetics of the performance and the electrical currents of the body.”
Sound Writings is a subdivision of cOsmOsmOse, dedicated to contemporary works of Text-Sound-Poetry. cOsmOsmOse has the aim to present (festival) and document (publishing) contemporary artists who work in the field of Text-Sound-Poetry.
It was founded by Swantje Lichtenstein and Marc Matter (Artistic Direction), Assistance by Friedemann Dupelius.