
Phyto-Semiotics – Plants talking to us and also through us

Aug 2018  

Sunday 12 August 2018
Kollwitzstrasse 97
10435 Berlin

Our plant think­ing becomes plant speak­ing. From ven­er­a­ble ancient trees to exper­i­men­tal com­post and cloned bananas, this pro­gram voices plants in whose pos­si­ble pasts and futures we, as humans, are both cen­tral and oddly dis­placed.

This pro­gram fea­tures two new per­for­mances com­mis­sioned by Liquid Archi­tec­ture, plus a spe­cial per­for­mance by Plants and Ani­malia (CES and Felic­ity Mangan).

Makiko Yamamoto presents Banana, Tree, Stool, a new suite of lan­guage poems about the pos­si­ble mes­sages fruits and veg­eta­bles from our past, present and future may have to convey.

CES vs Plants and Ani­mals will gen­er­ate a finely tuned quasi-bioa­coustic envi­ron­ment in which bio­chem­i­cal soni­fi­ca­tion of actual plant chem­istry, animal and syn­the­sised sounds oscil­late and sync in bio­phonic arrays.

Nathan Gray presents The Sta­tion, a sci­ence-fic­tional lec­ture-per­for­mance regard­ing humanity’s vio­lence towards the nat­ural world and in which one of the three nar­ra­tors is a tree.

Presented in partnership with Errant Sound