Exhale[s] – Final Presentation of Berlin School of Sound Practice-Based Sound Studies June-July 2022
Jul 2022
Art by Morten Poulsen, Tan Bone Project, Roxanne Nesbitt, Wei Kang Beh, Håkan Jonsson, Roxanne Abel Gintz, SK Sabrin Zahan Kriti and Steve Williams
Exhale(s) is a group exhibition and the culminating event of the Practice-Based Sound Studies course at Berlin School of Sound that took place during June and July 2022.
Together in one exhibition, the eight artists reflect many approaches to working with sound as artistic practice. This work spans from research on how noise is negotiated in public spaces, to noise as an expression of protest, how new instruments create new relationships and how creating doing certain sounds together changes relations, how listening might show us something about ourselves or reflect current socio-economic systems….
Exhibition opening: July 20th at 6-9pm Opening days: July 21-25, every day at 2-8pm Besides the exhibition, there will also be shows at ACUD every night at 8pm on 22 und 23th of July: