Stadt als Klangtext – Urban Sound Projects
Exhibition series: #4 of 5
Serge Baghdassarians/Boris Baltschun
Kirsten Reese
Exhibition: November 6th – 9th, 16:00 – 20:00h
Talk / Discussion: Thursday, November 6th, 19:00h
with Prof. Sabine Sanio and the artists
Errant Bodies
Kollwitzstrasse 97
10435 Berlin
The exhibition and discussion series Stadt als Klangtext introduces ten artistic positions by sound artists working with urban space. The series aims to consider how auditory experience and sonic work may operate to create a sense of civic engagement, spaces of mutuality, and forms of interruption onto the urban scene. Each exhibition consists of two artists presenting one work, and integrates a discussion evening led by an invited academic and open to the public.
Serge Baghdassarians/Boris Baltschun, “tuning” /
installation for video, balloon, animal voice
Kirsten Reese, “no voice audible but that of the sea on the far side” /
four channel sound installation with fish sounds and synthesized sound