Presentation 18 October 2019 – 19:00h
Errant Sound – Sound Art Project Space
Rungestraße 20, 10179 Berlin
(U8 Heinrich-Heine-Str. / S Jannowitzbrücke)
Errant Sound presents for the first time in Germany works by Vicens Vacca. For this occasion, we will show two works conceived for mobil phones by the catalan sound artist, which involve the audience participation by transforming each phone into an active element of the sound pieces.
One of the pieces is called GRAND HALL LAMENT (1997-2018) and it is an application for mobile phone of non-interactive sound-art that reproduces a series of tracks in a continuous and randomized sequence that is different on each device. Downloading the app will install it permanently on the smartphone with no further requirements. It can be downloaded from the Apple Store searching “GRAND HALL by VACCA”. Or click here
GRAND HALL LAMENT is designed to be listened to on a minimum of two phones simultaneously but there is no limit to the number of terminals used.
The second piece is ZEN (2016-2018) is a generator of electronic music that composes and emits music using existent sounds from radio broadcasts. It is an atmosphere that builds climates of unbroken sound not to be listened to with attention. ZEN generates music using the energy of others. The app is available on the AppStore. To download the app. please search “ZEN by VACCA”. Or click here
Since Vicens Vacca is unable to travel due health issues, the presentation will be done by his assistant Victor Pérez Ballestero and moderated by Mario Asef.
Vicens Vacca (Granollers, 1954) is a catalan artist with more than 30 years of experience in the conceptual art field, who has experienced the use of sound as an artistic medium. Descendant of a family of jazz musicians, he chose contemporary art breaking with tradition. Since its earliest works of sound art, dating back to 1990, sound is never an additional complement, but a corporeal element with plastic qualities, materializing in the space of action as a sculptural object.
He has exhibited in art institutions such as Museu Picasso, La Virreina Image Center (Barcelona), Museo Patio Herreriano (Valladolid) or Iklectik (London).
The evening is kindly supported by Instituto Ramon Llull and the ICEC.