Photo©Mirian Steinberg
Inspired on her research about contemporary artists and musicians, vocal improvisation, articulating concepts and methods of music therapy and poetics of contemporary arts, Mirian Steinberg will present her concept of “Listening to the sounding body” as an artist talk/workshop. Together with Anton Zacharkow, we will relate some workshop topics with his approach on Policies of Affective Potentialities (Políticas de Potências Afetivas).
What transits between the fields of the senses and the hearing? What opens the body to hear its internal contents and its relations with externalities? How to cartograph the desire using concepts from post-structuralism? How to explore hybrid relations among artistical languages?
Deleuze / Guattari / Spinoza / Sueli Rolnik / Senses / Subjectivity / Contemporary Art / Cartography / Sound Walks / Performance / Curatorship
After the talk, we will do a body warm-up, activate our body on space, explore our senses in relation to the hearing, give different forms to the expressions of these experiences, create collectively with our voices.
We will experience the voice that says unknown words, create words free of meaning, invent a language that does not depend on meanings, explore a new language acoustically, improvise together in a performative action of voices.
Sun 01.03.20
2 – 6 pm
Errant Sound
Rungestr. 20 in Berlin-Mitte
Costs: donation
Mirian Steinberg currently works at the Federal Institute of São Paulo Campus Campos do Jordão (BR) as an artist and master teacher in arts. She focusses her artistic research on sound cartography, daily performance and soundwalks. Develops Art and Environment actions. She created a collective called KaosTrupe with propositions in performance and monitoring of different individual and collective artistic projects in São Paulo
Anton Zacharkow is schizoanalyst, professor and educator in Performing Arts and in the teacher training program Política de Potências Afetivas (Affective Powers Policy) at the MPUMALANGA Institute and at the IEE – INSTITUTO ESPORTE EDUCAÇÃO, working in partnerships with UNICEF, DISNEY and ESPN channel. He is a researcher on Art at the Casa Brasileira in São Sebastião (São Paulo – BR). He has attended the School of Dramatic Art (EAD-ECA USP) from 1983-86, studied Radio and Television at FAAP (SP) from 1982-85 and attended Theater Studies on Bertolt Brecht (München) from1990-95. Since 2005 he is focussing in Contemporary Philosophy Studies.