Sunday, 15 October
18:00 Listening Session “60 Seconds Each”
19:00 Artist Talk
20:00 Drinks + Vinyl pickup
“60 Seconds Each” — LP, limited edition of 300, hand numbered
Participating Artists: Gilles Aubry, Bewernitz/Goldowski, Marek Brandt, Julia Bünnagel, Budhaditya Chattopadhyay, Yati Durant, Jorn Ebner, Richard Eigner, Kerstin Ergenzinger, Luca Forcucci, Dani Gal, Kristof Georgen, Jasmine Guffond, David Helbich, Zosia Hołubowska, Timo Kahlen, Anton Kats, Georg Klein, Bojana S. Knežević / BOASZ, Heimo Lattner, Mattin, Claudia Molitor, Nik Nowak, Stefan Roigk, Charlotte Simon (DJ Carl), Phillip Sollmann, Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag, Wolfram Spyra, Erwin Stache, Tina Tonagel, Michael Trommer, Melanie Windl
Concept & production: Kristof Georgen
This LP was born out of a data leak:
In 2022, the opening of the position of Professor for Sound Art at a German Art Academy attracted the applications of a broad, international panorama of sound artists. After the position was filled, the email rejection to all other applicants was sent by mistake by the university with an open distribution list (cc). Kristof Georgen, one of the applicants used this mishap to develop a concept for a collective sound art project, inviting the artists included in the open cc to send a 60-second sound piece.
A group of 32 artist who were prepared to understand a record as a group work, followed the invitation – the result is 60 Seconds Each. The fragmentation of many music scenes during the pandemic, which still lingers today, is countered here with a statement.
This heterarchical approach transformed the application competition into an artistic cooperation which ultimately became a very diverse compilation, a one of a kind Salon des Refusés of sound art.
The time limitation of an LP and the restricting concept of 60 seconds stands as an antithesis to the unmanageable and boundless characteristic of the data leak. A strict reduction to the essential determines also the visual concept of the release. Fragments of redacted email addresses of the participating artists, forming a cloud of unreadable data which merges into the background of the cover art are an essential part of the design. The 60-second grid also structures the vinyl groove into a strict visual pattern, which can be read as small chunks of each participating artist’s work. The LP includes an essay by curator, music, art and design researcher Holger Lund (fluctuating images, Global Pop First Wave) who will be attending the artist talk.
Kristof Georgen (*1965) gets to the bottom of our cultural imprints and practices by means of sound, language and image. Initially active as a musician, he studied sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart. Kristof Georgen has been expanding his aesthetic reflection and shaping of ‘resonant material’ since the late 1990s. On the basis of everyday noises and natural ‘sound materials’ the artist develops thematic and site-specific acoustic sculptures and audio-spaces which reflect the complex sound reality in everyday life. Kristof Georgen works with documentary recordings which he analyses, reconstructs and presents as installations in the context of public spaces or institutions. In terms of what sculpture can achieve today, his soundworks mark a limit to and at the same time an expansion of the concept of sculpture. By acoustically communicating felt physical presence Kristof Georgen not only makes us aware of a more conscious perception of the body and site-specific sounds, he also sensitises our sense of hearing anew. His audio works were presented a.o. at Deutschlandradio, SWR 2 Kultur, Biennale Koper, ZKM Karlsruhe / World New Music Festival Stuttgart, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Emirates Fine Art Society Sharjah, Kunsthalle Krems, Donaueschinger Musiktage, Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst Amstelveen
Funded by Neustart Kultur / Stiftung Kunstfonds,
LP available at:
corvo records, data leak, KlangKunst, Listening, soundart, vinyl release