Listening Session | Film Session | Talk with Laura Mello
So. 10.12.23 at Errant Sound Rungestr. 20 Berlin-Mitte
16:30 – Doors
17:00 – Presentation
17:45 – Listening Session:
Intangible Sound of Contact – Istanbul (radio version / stereo / 47 Min)
with the voices of Aaron Snyder, Petra Nachtmanova, Zack Hart and music by Bangevaz, Petra Nachtmanova and Laura Mello
18:30 – Film Session (Berlin Premiere)
vÃnh gÕ tÕ laklÃnÕ (Barbara Pettres, Flávia Person, Walderes Coctá)
BR 2022 / 25 Min / with english subtitles
Intangible Sound of Contact is an investigative project about the history of encounters between different cultures at the intersection of written documentary information and oral tradition.
Partners in Brazil: @juventudexokleng, @ariramba_cultural, @institutonow
Parners in Turkey: @kulturakademietarabya, @petra_nachtmanova, @bangevaz
Laura Mello, born in Blumenau, Brazil, and resident in Germany for almost 20 years, made a significant discovery in 2021, during her first visit to Turkey as part of her scholarship at the Tarabya Cultural Academy. At the Tarabya War Cemetery, she came across the grave of Pedro Hermann Blumenau, the son of the founder of her hometown. This unexpected connection to her past and hometown marked the beginning of a profound personal and historical journey for Mello.
Under the project Intangible Sound of Contact, Laura Mello explores the interwoven history of the Blumenau family, Germany, the Ottoman Empire and Brazil during the First World War. This research resulted in two audio walks, the first in the center of the city of Blumenau in Brazil and the second at the Tarabya site in Istanbul.
Her presentation in Errant Sound sheds light on the events surrounding the indigenous Laklãnõ-Xokleng people in the state of Santa Catarina in Brazil, the German expedition Karoon in Iraq and their historical connections up to the present day.
Teaser on youtube
vÃnh gÕ tÕ laklÃnÕ (Barbara Pettres, Flávia Person, Walderes Coctá)
BR 2022 / 25 Min / with english subtitles
The Laklãnõ people were wild, brave, who really shot arrows. Their territory was the south of the country. Persecuted by the state, bugreiros and colonizers, decimated by disease and changes in their way of life, they almost became extinct. After contact with non-indigenous people in 1914, they were restricted to the Upper Itajaí Valley, Santa Catarina. Vãnh gõ tõ Laklãnõ has no literal translation, it means something like Laklãnõ Resistance, led in the film by archaeologist Walderes Coctá Priprá.
The documentary reconstructs the history of the people and poetically portrays the time in the bush, the language, the impact of the construction of the North Dam, the presence of evangelical churches and the issue of the Marco Temporal (Time Framework), of which the people are the protagonists.
Intangible Sound of Contact was sponsored by:
errant sound, intangible sound of contact, laura mello, Listening, soundart